2010年论文 2010年论文

  1. Yang QF, Xiang JF, Yang S, Zhou QJ ,Li Q, Guan AJ, Zhang XF, Zhang H ,Tang YL* ,Xu GZ, “Verification of specific G-quadruplex structure by using a novel cyanine dye supramolecular assembly: II. The binding characterization with specific intramolecular G-quadruplex and the recognizing mechanism”,Nucleic Acids Res.(38,1022-1033, 2010
  2. Yang QF ,Xiang JF ,Yang S, Li Q ,Zhou QJ ,Guan AJ ,Li L ,Zhang YX, Zhang XF ,Zhang H ,Tang YL *, Xu GZ, “Verification of Intramolecular Hybrid/Parallel G-Quadruplex Structure under Physiological Conditions Using Novel Cyanine Dye H-Aggregates: Both in Solution and on Au Film”,Anal. Chem. (82)22,9135–9137, 2010
  3. Zhang H, Xiang JF, Hu HY ,Li L, Jin X, Liu Y, Li PF ,Tang YL*, Chen CF* ,“Stabilizing G-Quadruplex DNA by a Scissors-Shaped Binaphthyl Derivative through the Entangling Mode: Cooperation of Binaphthylene and the Ethoxy Chain”,Biochemistry, 49 (49) ,10351–10353, 2010
  4. Sun HX, Xiang JF, Zhou QJ ,Yang QF, Xu GZ, Tang YL*, “Temperature-sensitive supramolecules self-assembled by G-quadruplex DNA”,Int. J. Biol. Macromol.,(46),123-125, 2010
  5. Yang QF, Xiang JF, Yang S, Zhou QJ, Li Q, Guan AJ, Zhang XF, Zhang H ,Tang YL* ,Xu GZ, “Recognizing Hybrid/Mixed G-quadruplex in Human Telomeres by Using a Cyanine Dye Supramolecule with Confocal Laser Scanning Microscopy”,Chin. J. Chem. 28(7),1126-1132,2010
  6. Yang S, Xiang JF, Yang QF, Li Q, Zhou QJ ,Zhang XF, Tang YL *, Xu GZ ,“Formation of Human Telomeric G-quadruplex Structures Induced by the Quaternary Benzophenanthridine Alkaloids: Sanguinarine Nitidine and Chelerythrine”,Chin. J.  Chem. (28),771-780, 2010
  7. Shang Q, Xiang JF, Tang YL *, “NMR-Based Metabonomics: A Useful Platform of Oncology Research”,Bioanalytical Rev.(1),117-140, 2010
  8. Zhang XF ,Zhang HJ ,Xiang JF, Li Q, Yang QF, Shang Q, Zhang YX ,Tang YL*, “The binding modes of carbazole derivatives with telomere G-quadruplex”,J. Mol. Struct. (982),1-3 133-138, 2010  
  9. Yang S, Xiang JF ,Yang QF ,Zhou QJ, Zhang XF, Li Q, Tang YL* ,Xu GZ ,“Distinct G-quadruplex structures of human telomeric DNA formed by the induction of Sanguinarine and Nitidine under salt-deficient condition”,Fitoterapia(81),1026-1032, 2010
  10. 张虹,向俊峰,刘岩,谭莉,戴玮,张淼,唐亚林*,“黑丑提取物的抗肿瘤活性及其机理研究”,解放军药学学报,2010 ,26(6),489-492 
  11. 田明月,张秀凤,潘然,赵长琦*唐亚林*,“原癌基因c-myc启动区G-四链体结构及靶向小分子配体”,化学进展,2010,(22)5,983-992  
  12. 鲍红娟,唐亚林*,徐筱杰,向俊锋,郑智辉,卢新华,“基于药效团模型的DHODH抑制剂构效关系研究”,高等学校化学学报,2010,(31),938-946
  13. 刘岩,张虹,戴伟,唐亚林*,“苦木对HepG-2细胞增殖抑制作用及机制的研究”,中药材,2010,(7)33,1143-1146
  14. 张虹,向俊锋,戴玮,金雪,刘岩,管烨,唐亚林*,“复方壁虎藤梨根对肝癌细胞的抑制作用研究”,中药新药与临床药理,2010(21)130-133
  15. 周秋菊,向俊锋,唐亚林*,“核磁共振波谱在药物发现中的应用”,波谱学杂志,2010,(27),68-79